Look around yourselves

Can't you see this wonder

Spreaded in front of you

The clouds floating by

The skies are clear and blue

Planets in the orbits

The moon and the sun

Such perfect harmony.... (Subhanallah..!!!)


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Let's change our habits and follow the Sunnah:
✔- Instead of Hello/Hi, say ► Assalamu 'Alaikum
✔- Instead of Thanks, say ► Jazaak(i/um) Allâh
✔- Instead of Bye-Bye/Take care, say ► fi aman Allâh
✔- Instead of Wow/Great, say ► MashaAllâh/Subhaan Allâh
✔- Instead of okay, say ► Insha'Allâh
✔- Instead of saying I'm fine, say ► Alhamdullillâh

Monday, December 5, 2011

Seven Beautiful Pearls Which Make A Wife Special

1) The Patient:

The woman who remains patient in all circumstances, and never whines, moans, nags or complains. When some trouble or affliction hits her, she turns to Allah for help.
2) The Protector:

The woman who protects her husband’s wealth & her chastity when he is away from home. She doesn’t gossip or mingle with other men, nor does she allow anyone in his house without his approval. She knows, respects and stays within the boundaries of his gheerah.

When he returns, she runs to his arms, as if she was anticipating for his return. She allows him time to relax before anything and does not burden him with the day’s problems, but listens attentively to his needs and does her best to take his tiredness away.

3) The Lover:

The women who adores her husband, beautifies herself, and smells nice for him. She craves for his children to the extent that whenever her husband glances at her, du’aa pours for her from the bottom of his heart. She is characterised with shyness and modesty, glancing with love in her eyes, only for her husband.

4) The Good Do-er:

The women who has an excellent reputation in society – for being kind, caring & courteous. She is good with her neighbours & relatives & never backbites or displays jealousy.

5) The Content:

The women who never casts her eyes at material things and is content with whatever little her husband gives her. She is thankful to him for every morsel that he feeds her, every clothe that he gifts her, including the roof over her head. She makes her gratefulness known to him in words & action and thus, soothes her husband’s heart.

As the Prophet (saw) said, she looks at those less fortunate than her in the material world and is thankful to her Lord and her Husband for that.

6) The Pious:

The women who spends much of her day in dhikr, reading the Quran & Salaah and her nights in praying tahajjud & crying to Allah for forgiveness. She encourages her husband to give daw’ah in his spare time. As the Prophet (saw) said, she looks at those more pious than her in the religious sense and strives to progress further in piety and knowledge.

7) The Sweet Smiler:

The woman who smiles excessively, especially when her husband is at home. She always talks gently, choosing the sweetest of words, that it seems that pearls are dripping from her mouth. She never raises her voice while talking to her husband.

If her husband is angry with her for some reason & shouts at her, she does not answer him back but maintains a dignified silence. When he has calmed down, she offers him cool water & apologizes to him admitting her mistake, even if she wasn’t at fault.

Anger and Love have no limit…

While a father was polishing his new car

بينما كان الأب يقوم بتلميع سيارته الجديدة

His 4 Years son picked a stone and made scratches on the car side with visible lines.

إذا بالابن ذو الأربع سنوات يلتقط حجراً ويقوم بعمل خدوش على جانب السيارة

The angry father tightly grasped on kid's hand & hit it many times…

وفي قمة غضبه، إذا بالأب يأخذ بيد ابنه ويضربه عليها عدة مرات

Not realizing that he was using a wrench

بدون أن يشعر أنه كان يستخدم 'مفتاح انجليزي' مفك يستخدمه عادة السباكين في فك وربط المواسير

At the hospital, little child was asking his father after he lost his fingers: 'Dad, when my fingers will grow up?'

في المستشفى بعدما فقد أصابعه، كان الابن يسأل الأب متى سوف تنموا أصابعي؟

The father was desperately hurt.

وكان الأب في غاية الألم

He went back to the car and kicked it a lot

عاد الأب إلى السيارة وبدأ يركلها عدة مرات

He sat down on the side walk and while looking at the scratches, he found his son has written 'I LOVE YOU DAD'

وعند جلوسه على الأرض، نظر إلى الخدوش التي أحدثها الأبن فوجده قد كتب ' أنا أحبك يا أبي '

Anger and Love have no limit…

"Oh Allah! I ask You for paradise and seek Your protection from fire."



Ya Rabbal 'Alamiin.

What is left for ALLAH swt then?

"A moment of sadness to seek Allah's pleasure is a thousand times better than being sad everyday because of love for this dunya."

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Someday someone will walk in to your life and will make you realize why it never worked out with anyone else :) 

Have faith in Allah and never stop making dua :)

O our Lord! Bestow on us from our spouses and offspring, the comfort and coolness of our eyes, and make us leaders of the Muttaqeen (the pious). [Al-Furqan: 74]

Ameen Summa Ameen
Subhan'Allah “Glorified is Allah”

For all Muslim husbands...

If you can’t love her in a jilbab/hijab/niqab, you can’t truly love her in anything else either. 
She will be most beautiful to you when she is obeying her Lord.
She will be the most beautiful when she is trying to make her way to Jannah. 
And if you can’t see the beauty in that, then your perspective of beauty is distorted. 
If you can’t love her enough to help her attain Jannah, then perhaps you don’t love her at all !!!

Hikmah Janggut di sebalik Sunnah Rasulullah...

Sabda Rasulullah SAW, ”Cukurlah kumis dan peliharalah janggut.” (HR. Muslim)

Kajian terhadap janggut menyerlahkan satu lagi bukti saintifik tentang apa yang disunnahkan oleh Nabi kita sejak lebih seribu tahun dahulu.

Dr Jamnul Azhar Mulkan, seorang doktor perubatan, pemilik rangkaian klinik juga seorang pendakwah, dalam satu ceramah, mendedahkan hasil kajian yang sangat luar biasa mengenai khasiat janggut. Ia bukan tunggul gerigis, bukan penyeri atau penyerabut wajah tetapi jauh lebih hebat daripada itu.

Menurutnya, kajian oleh saintis dari Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Amerika Syarikat yang berjudul The Amazing Fact of Human Body mendapati janggut lelaki mengandungi hormon testosteron yang amat diperlukan bagi kesuburan wanita. Ia mampu menstabilkan kitaran haid selain menggalakkan pertumbuhan telur wanita.


Caranya bagaimana? Hanya melalui sentuhan. Jadi kepada sesiapa yang belum punya anak kerana ada masalah kesuburan, ataupun jarang anak dan mahu dirapatkan lagi, mintalah suami simpan janggut, dan belailah selalu janggut suamimu itu.

Ini sekali gus jadi bukti apa yang disaran oleh Islam sejak zaman silam, boleh dibuktikan secara saintifik akan hikmah dan kelebihannya.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Oh! U.P.S.R...

Assalamu'alaikumwbt....hye everyone. moga sihat senantiasa. hihi. i'm a bit busy today, so many things to be done so far... ermmm, tik tok tik tok! (bunyi jam menandakan akan tibanya exam UPSR!!!) it's gonna take place tomorrow morning by 8a.m. if i'm not mistaken. HUHU. it is supposed to be my cute little brother, Ayatullah Imam Khomieni (LOH)'S EXAM, BUT............. i'm da one who become ssoooo excited about tomorrow. Haha. dont know why... (thinking of taking upsr again??? no! no! no! ) hehehe. biase la, as his beloved sister, confirmla nak tgok adik kite lagi smgt compared to us rite?? May Allah bless him, his friends and other UPSR CANDIDATES.... chaiyok2! Man jadda wajada... ;)
Actually, he has already passed his UPSR trial with flying colors (5As).. i was like sooo happy to hear that. sometimes, he is so "peliks". u know y? huhu. tula, even i pon xleh nak phm ngn prangai die. Haha. kat rumah, x"berapa" nak rajin, kat sekola, fuhhhhhhhhhhh! mmg popular ngn student yg tolong cikguuuu, peliks2... ;) anyways, i would have accepted that... he's my cute little brother after all. Hihi. he's quite clever and brillliant. but then, he's quite "MANJE"... lau shari xnanges or mrajuk, xsah... surely, it's not really him. Hahaha (evil mode)... anyways, just drop by here to share dis thing, it's upsr final examination tomorrow! be prepared, boys and girls... and surely, for my beloved pupils of SK TAMAN BUNGA RAYA (1), who are going to sit for their exam tomorrow. wishing u all "best of luck"! try ur very, very, very BEST to SCORE! HEHE... dis is for u guys.. ;) CHEATING AND COPYING FROM OTHERS ARE NOT ALLOWED, OK? THAT WOULD BE FAIR AND SQUARE AND LOVELY! Mission accomplished. Nite everyone. jgn lupe bace doa tidoo. ;) uuuuuuuuuppps! one more, bace surah al-insyirah 3x or lebih, lebih afdhal. ;) selawat byk2 jugak. ;) "LA TAKHAF WA LA TAHZAN INNALLAHA MA'ANA."

Monday, September 12, 2011


Think about the way you dress. Is it to please others? Or is it to please Allah? Ibn Kathir 
clarifies hijab issue: 
'‘Extend their headcovers to cover their bosoms’ means that they 
should wear the headcover in such a way that they cover their chests 
so that they will be different from the women of the Jahiliyyah (time 
before Islam) who did not do that, but would pass in front of men 
with their chests uncovered and with their necks, forelocks, and 
earrings uncovered.”



Sunday, September 11, 2011

my sister is my bestfriend

Assalamualaikumwbt.....Ya Allah, rindunye kat my sis named Maream Jamelah( Maream Yang Cantik) huhuhu. i MISS her damn much, it was just a week die ke UIA to further for her degree...sobs3. so sedih laa. gonna miss her more later....no friends at home. it's only me, and my lappy(my bestfriend) for now.If she was here, we might be talking and laughing most of the time. Anyways, i miss her cookings. She was like so good and pro already for her first trial in cooking... =) well done, Yea! (cute name that we used to call her since she was a kid)... hehe!

.::this is our photo together::.

dis is taken during ramadhan al-mubaraq...alhamdulillah.

Maream Jamelah, miss u so much........ T_T

Assalamualaikumwbt... alhamdulillah, saya masih diberikan nikmat kesihatan yg baik dr Allah swt utk terus bernafas dan beramal kepada Yang Maha Esa.. Syukur2, alhamdulillah. Dah lama rasanya xupdate blog  nie. Kesepian mungkin. Hehe. Ermm, juz wanna share some info right here and right now, surely. Huhu. Ermm, ini untuk peringatan dan panduan buat diri saya sendiri dan juga sahabat2 diluar sana yg mungkin kadang kala or sering tertanya-tanya perkara berkaitan pemilihan pasangan yg akan melayari gerbang perkahwinan bersama-sama kelak. Inshaallah! So, this is it!

Untuk yang bgelar wanita terutamanya muslimah yg disayangi dan dirahmati Allah swt. Yang 

mana pilihan anda dlm membina dan melayari bahtera perkahwinan yg mawaddah, sakinah 

wa rahmah???

 TINGGI, atau yg tinggi imannya?

 HENSEM, atau yg hensem akhlaknya?
 TEGAP, atau yg tegap akidahnya?
 COMEL, atau yg comel ibadatnya?
 COOL, atau yg cool kesabarannya?
 PUTIH, atau yg putih hatinya?
 CUTE, atau yg cute tawadduknya?
 KAYA, atau yg kaya ilmunya?
 PEMALU, atau yg pemalu kpd dosanya?
 GAGAH, atau yg gagah melawan nafsunya?

.:: Renung2kan dan selamat memilih..... eh2, selamat beramal.... ^_^ ::.

~Fananya Cinta~

Kini telah berakhir sebuah kitab
Hanya menanti penutup hijab
Kini engkau dustai sebuah kitab
Untuk nafsu yang terperangkap dihijab... 

Berkat Muhammad sudah diketahuan
Namun banyak mulut menjadi dombaan
Banyak kebaikan sudah ketahuan
Subahat zina dan syaitan jua menjadi pujaan...

Tanda bermulanya hari pembalasan
Anak dikandungan gugur tiada ketahuan
Tanda bermulanya hari pembalasan
Anak berzina di puja tanpa sempadan...

Engkau dustai sebuah janji
Kerana takut miskin melandai
Engkau subahati lunaskan janji
Untuk khuatiri kelaparan zina yang dijanji...

Bila sudah dipilih sahabat zina
engkau dihiasi pujian ina
Bila engkau memilih sahabat zina
Syaitan bersuka engkau sahabat ina...

Satu jalan telah termaktuk
Zina bukan lagi terkutuk
Satu jalan sudah tertutuk
Zina sudah lagi tidak tertutup...

Seraut cahaya sudah kelam
Tanda cukupnya syiar Islam
Siang sudah disangka malam
Itu tandanya jiwamu semakin kelam...

Mata berzina memandang yang haram
Tangan berzina menyentuh yang haram
Apakah sudah tidak tertahan
Menanti ia menjadi bara di neraka jahanam...

Lidah melafazkan ungkapan cinta
Sedang ia berbau dosa nista
Masih disambut dengan noda
Cukup hisab terhukumlah ia...

Nafsu dilempias pada yang haram
Belum halal sudah ditangan
Atas godaan perempuan syaitan
Moga dikau cepat kembali ke pangkal jalan....